Transferring land by way of a Power of Attorney should be done by all parties together to prevent disaster. Perhaps I have overstated my concern a touch but here’s a scenario that happened at our office. I once had a client who wanted to purchase a house from a...
Many people wonder why they need to pay a lawyer for a Will. Why not just write one myself or use a kit? You might be surprised to hear the answer. The answer is really just one of ‘insurance’. By hiring a lawyer to write your Will you are guaranteed that...
When someone passes away, the beneficiaries look to the deceased’s Will for how the estate will be handled. Often a testator (the person who died) will appoint a son or daughter to be the Executor/Executrix of the estate. The Executor/Executrix has the...
In a previous post we discussed the role of the Executor/Executrix of a will. Someone asked a question pertaining to debts of the estate and whether those responsibilities fall to the executor. Does the Executor become liable for the debts incurred, even if debts...
When a Seller of a home, which was the matrimonial home prior to a separation, is in the Seller’s name, problem can arise. If the Seller is not yet divorced certain steps need to be made to ensure the sale goes smoothly. The Dower Act requires that the...